Comes A Soldier’s Whisper is proud to feature WWII Veteran, PFC Leo Martin and his son’s story:
“My father, PFC Leo Martin was a 101st Airborne paratrooper with the 502nd PIR, Co. C during WWII.
He was at Eagle’s Nest “just after” the 506th got there. He said there were “burning piles” of Nazi propaganda outside, and he managed to grab a few books (I still have them) as souvenirs. Flash forward 69 years later, my son, James Martin, visited Eagle’s Nest, bringing along his grandfather’s dog tag for a picture!
James was on a trip with a Professor and other students from Lee University (Cleveland, TN) visiting Germany, Austria & Switzerland in June 2014. He had told his fellow travelers of his grandfather’s connection to the Eagles Nest and knew he had to take some kind of picture there. James always has his grandfather’s dog tag on his keyring. What better tribute then to take picture of the dog tag and Eagles Nest entrance?
James had been brought up hearing all about the Army, WWII and the “Airborne” via trips to see his grandfather at Ft Bragg NC, home of the 82nd Airborne. FT Bragg has several museums, a PX filled with Army uniforms & supplies and on occasion has special events where civilians can go to Sicily dropzone and see an actual “jump” and demonstration of what the airborne can do. James along with his brother had done all three and totally understands the significance of his grandfather’s WWII and 20 year career as a paratrooper!
He felt he needed to honor and remember what his great grandfather did during the war. One can only imagine what it must have felt like to walk through the opening of the Eagle’s Nest, just as PFC Leo Martin did 70 years ago… ”
~ Gary Martin
We are very grateful to Gary for sharing these photos and his story and invite you share your family photos and story of those who served, so we may feature and honor them on Comes A Soldier’s Whisper, where we are all connected.
“America without her Soldiers would be like God without His angels.”
― Claudia Pemberton
God Bless all who serve and keep us safe.
Jenny La Sala
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