When I returned from my tour in Vietnam in July of 1966, I wore my uniform and was fighting more hippies than the Viet Cong.
I began my journey to Nam on a troop carrier, the Daniel I. Sultan,one of 3 troop ships, all with the 1st Inf. Div. That was the start of the unknown or uncertainty of returning as we went under the Golden Gate Bridge. I was with the U.S. Army, Co.C 2nd Bn. 28th Inf. 1st Inf Div. and referred to as the Black Lions of Lai Khe. As an infantryman, you do all everything. Nam changed me a whole bunch. I used to avoid fights, but not anymore.
My greatest fear was not knowing what tomorrow would bring. You live for now. My response to the people that ask about my experience, I say ” Scared and Lucky!” The group photo is of Donut Dollies seeing us off to Loc Ninh in June 1966. Here is also a picture of the Charlie Company Commo bunker at company C.P., 1966. The photo of me standing with the Vietnamese kids is in Loc Ninh during 1966 only one week before leaving Nam and a day before our big fight on June 11, 1966. That’s me, 6’4″ and all of 176 lbs. I always joked about being so skinny, and that all I had to do was turn sideways and avoid being hit in a fight, which isn’t the case today…
Most of my uncles served WWII or Korea. I had an uncle that served in Korea, and I told him that he was my favorte uncle. I would ask my aunt, if he was coming home everyday. None of my brothers served. They are older and didn’t make the draft. My uncle Herb served with the 1st Inf. Div. in Germany in WW2.
I am kind of disappointed with the lack of respect and appreciation from the younger generation for my time and the people serving now. I personally believe, that they should have never stopped the draft. Everybody should serve their country, but in another breath, that is the way this country is handling things…
The kids today don’t seem to care about what soldiers are doing for them today. My daughter is a principle of a elementary school. I asked ,if they still start off the day by saying the pledge? She said “YES.”
~ Rich Wayne, Vietnam Veteran
We are grateful to Rich for sharing his service and personal story with Comes A Soldier’s Whisper, where we are all connected.
God Bless all who serve and keep us safe.
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